Kal Tire

About Us

Kal Tire is one of Canada’s largest independent tire service dealers and one of North America’s largest commercial tire dealers with over 260 Kal Tire stores across Canada, an extensive supply chain network made up of distribution centres and its own transport division. Kal Tire is also the largest retreader in Canada of medium truck tires with 16 manufacturing facilities.

Kal Tire’s Mining Tire Group is an international leader in mining tire service and supply, servicing more than 150 mine sites across five continents.

Kal Tire building

Kal Tire Locations

We’re proud to be one of Canada’s largest independent tire dealers with over 260 Kal Tire retail and commercial stores across Canada.

Learn more about our Locations >
Tom Foord holding a picture


Founded by Tom Foord in 1953, and based in Vernon, BC, Kal Tire has expanded steadily and now employs more than 6,500 team members internationally.

Learn more about our History >
Team member and customer discussing tires

The AIMs of the Kal Tire Team

The AIMs help ensure team members are doing what’s right for the team, their customer and their communities. These are posted in every location and every meeting room and are reflected on regularly.

Learn more about our AIMs >
Kal Tire sign


Kal Tire news releases, media coverage and more.

Visit our Newsroom >
Kal Tire Vernon Office building

Senior Management Team

Meet the Kal Tire Senior Management Team.

The Senior Management Team >
Accessibility on computer screen


Accessibility policies and multi-year Accessibility Plan

Learn more about our Accessibility Plan >

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